Android Logger

Arctictern has developed a logger module for Android that provides a log and trace interface for IVI systems. This supports hypervisor and non-hypervisor based systems.

Features Supported

  • Supports online and offline logs
  • Collects logs from multiple OS environment to a common log system
  • Ability to collect logs to USB, ethernet or internal memory
  • Logs based on internal errors and external triggers
  • Logs recorded for
    1. Kernel
    2. Logcat
    3. Wifi (State Machine & Bus)
    4. Bluetooth (State Machine & Bus)
    5. Performances
    6. Error Traces
    7. VCPU 
  • Logs buffered in RAM to preserve emmc write cycles
  • Enable/Disable logs
  • Provision to move/delete all internally collected logs (internal memory) using APIs or connecting USB devices with specific directories


  • Qualcomm 820A
  • Android Automotive
  • Linux